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Reservation mode - simple reservations

Reservations are for a specific begin and end period. In this mode, there is no scanning of the item at the beginning and end of a reservation.


Think of this like a conference room reservation. You reserve upfront; but you don’t notify to confirm when you arrive and when you leave.

Meeting room with sign and message to scan Scanlily QR to reserve it

Or it could be for items that people pickup and you want to avoid the complexity of tracking the picking up and dropping off of the items.

Users reserve equipment online using the app or website or they contact you and you reserve it for them.​

Reservation mode is useful if you want to allow upfront reservations of your items but you want to keep your operation simple without scanning of items as they are picked up and returned.

If an Item is available for reservation, it will say so at the bottom. Click on Reserve:

image9.png Item page for Meeting Room A with Reserve button below
march_reservations.png  Reservation calendar showing available dates in March

You will be presented with the Calendar.


Pick the From date.

new_reservations.png  Reservation calendar with From date highlighted

Optionally, click on the Begin time.

Selecting the time will present you with available beginning times for that day:

from_4_30.png  Reservation calendar showing From time of day intervals to pick from
new_reservation_meetings.png Reservation calendar showing a selected range of dates and Reserve button below

Then select the end of the reservation period and select Reserve.

You will be similarly prompted for time of day timeslots:

reserved_time.png  App reservation screen showing half hour time intervals to return the item

The Item will continue to be available for reservation for times outside the reservation period.

You will receive email notifications for when the reservation is about to begin and also when it is about to end.

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