Inventory List
Scanlily's Inventory List feature allows Business subscribers to display their Scanlily-managed assets directly on their own website. Therefore, your customers or staff can see information without logging into Scanlily. This is a handy way to display items available for booking. Or it might be a way for users to quickly see status or information about items.
Inventory Summary Page
The following is a minimal view of the Inventory List showing item images and names. You can display more information if you wish. The number of items per page is configurable.

Item Detail
Clicking on the item will bring up the Item Detail page.

Inventory Settings
The Inventory List feature is deployable on Wordpress and customizable via a Wordpress settings page.

Choosing Items for the Inventory List
You can select which items to show on your inventory list along with their default order by giving them an Inventory Order. Inventory Order can be added to the Item page like any attribute by updating the Item Type.
If you don’t have Wordpress, Scanlily can host the Inventory List for you. Contact Us to get set up either on Wordpress or Scanlily-hosted.